Thai curry refers both to dishes in Thai cuisine that are made with various types of curry paste and to the pastes themselves.
A Thai curry dish is made from curry paste, coconut milk or water, meat, seafood, vegetables or fruit, and herbs. Curries in Thailand mainly differ from the curries in Indian cuisine in their use of ingredients such as herbs and aromatic leaves over a mix of spices. Dishes that are known to us as "Thai curries" in the Western world are called kaeng in Thailand (also written as gaeng; Thai).
The spiciness of a Thai curries depends on the amount of chili used in the making of the paste, and the amount of paste you add, even within one type of curry the spiciness can be very different, you may find that that a curry you would eat in Europe is fairly mild however compared to Thailand where this would be much more spicy.
Some Thai curries are better known today by the color rather than the traditional names used in the past, and although they are all basically the same base ingredients, there are slight variations.
Curries are normally eaten in with rice, the long-grained jasmine rice is popular in central and southern Thailand, and sticky rice in the northern and north eastern parts Thailand, and parts Thailand sometimes with noodles such as khano chin (fermented rice noodles). Certain curries can also be eaten with roti, the Thai version of the Indian-style fried flat bread from Malaysia called a roti canai.
Thai Curries include, Red, Green, Yellow, Massaman, Panang, Kang Pa just.
Ingredients: Dried Red Chili, Garlic, Shallot, Salt, Lemongrass, Sugar, Kaffir Lime, Galangal, coriander seeds, Cumin Cardamon, Citric Acid
Product of Thailand